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Praying Like Jesus



Praying Like Jesus !!! [April. 27, 2020]


Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.

(Luke 22:42). Also Read Luke 22:39-44

Every coin has two sides. The front is called “heads” and, the back is called “tails,” . Like a coin, Christ’s prayer in the garden of Gethsemane possesses two sides. In the deepest hours of His life, on the night before He died on a cross, Jesus prayed, “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done” (Luke 22:42). When Christ says, “take this cup,” that’s the raw honesty of prayer. He reveals His personal desire, “This is what I want.”

Then Jesus turns the coin, praying “not my will.” That’s the side of abandon. Abandoning ourselves to God begins when we simply say, “But what do You want, God?”

This two-sided prayer is also included in Matthew 26 and Mark 14 and is mentioned in John 18. Jesus prayed both sides of prayer: take this cup (what I want, God), yet not My will (what do You want, God?), pivoting between them.

Two sides of Jesus. Two sides of prayer.


  • What might we learn if we prayed honestly and with complete abandon, as Jesus did?
  • What situation are you facing right now where you can pray honestly yet with abandon to God?


Father, help me follow the example of Your Son, who spent everything so that I might possess real life that includes experiencing intimate prayer with You.

Give hope, prayer, and encouragement below. Post a comment & talk about it.

-Witness Ministries-

The   Vision   of    Witness   Ministries   is   to   communicate   ‘The  Life   Changing   Truth   Of   The   Word  Of   God’   in    unique   and practical   ways    with   as   many   people  as   possible   –  the   simple but   life   changing   truth   that   “ God   wants   you   to   enjoy   and  be   a   winner   in   every   area   of   your   life. ”

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Melwyn And Ruth Misquitta